
At the Parkdale Food Centre, we believe in resilient communities where people work together. We call this philosophy “neighbour to neighbour.” 

PFC focuses on providing fresh, local, wholesome foods to our neighbours in need.  We offer cooking groups, social justice workshops, entrepreneurial training for youth, barrier-free access to our community fridge, delicious and nutritious drop-in meals, a healthy breakfast every weekday, healthy emergency groceries to over 950 individuals every month, and a warm and welcoming space to drop-in, make friends, and cook together.

Parkdale Food Centre is a registered not-for profit charity staffed by a small team of dedicated staff, supported by a large base of energetic volunteers and a network of community partners who share our vision of  an Ottawa where everyone has the means and opportunity to live a healthy, connected, and fulfilling life.

(Thank you to Eva Bee for letting us share this video)